Interviews (2)
Through my Employment Related Activity – Green Jobs experience, a number of opportunities to share the vision and the results have arisen, as detailed below in the interviews section. These interviews detail the cyclical importance of salvaged building material, as it diverts waste from the landfill and decreases energy required to create new building materials.
- City Gardens Salvage Project
- Kelson Group blog post
- CBC Radio Kamloops – Daybreak
- Radio interview with social media posts
Presentations (1)
As my thesis and as part of the Researcher-in-Residence TRU/City of Kamloops program (graduate intern), I am completing research regarding potential benefits of “Missing Middle” housing in a Kamloops specific context. Housing choice is very limited for Kamloops residents, and development to date has caused notable sprawl, with limited land left for additional housing. While supply is an obvious issue, both of these aspects have compounding negative environmental consequences. This research gives me the opportunity to examine housing choice in Kamloops, and tie in my knowledge to date of preservation, salvage and sustainability, to advocate for more environmentally sustainable, thoughtful housing options and community planning.
- City of Kamloops “Development and Sustainability Committee” Meeting on June 13, 2022*
- Agenda HERE – see Section 5.1 for name listing.
*Prior to this meeting, also met with 2 top city planners, city real estate manager, and city building inspector to discuss project parameters.